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30 November -0001

Latino faith leaders: protect sage-grouse without endangered listing

Category: News Releases

In light of the decision from U.S. Fish and Wildlife today to keep the sage-grouse off of the Endangered Species List, Por La Creación Faith-based Alliance’s Idaho leader issued the following statement:

"Our faith traditions teach us to protect and care for God's creation, and that includes sagebrush habitat and the Greater sage-grouse. The collaborative, proactive conservation efforts that Secretary Jewell and Secretary Vilsack spearheaded across the West have ensured that we can keep the Greater sage-grouse off the Endangered Species List for now. It is our shared responsibility to continue to protect wildlife and the national public lands they call home," said Pastora Cecilia Ruano with Rosa de Saron Asamblea de Dios in Caldwell and a member of Por La Creación: Faith-based Alliance.

Conservationists, federal and state officials and landowners have been working to protect and improve the sage-grouse habitat without the endangered species listing. In 11 Western states over 4.4 million acres have been protected, which has led to improving the sage-grouse population while balancing the need for energy development.