Our Interns

Cody Tiffany
Agency: U.S. Forest Service
Program: Resource Assistance Program (RAP)
Location: Modoc National Wildlife Refuge
Intern Year(s): 2023, 2024

Cody Tiffany

Cody Tiffany is originally from Alturas, California but has spent the last seven years as an Army Geospatial Engineer. Currently pursuing a degree in Civil Engineering, Cody is passionate about geospatial technology and plans to expand his knowledge by pursuing a degree in Geographic Information Systems. He's now starting a role as a GIS Infrastructure Data Resource Assistant, combining his military background with his educational pursuits. Outside of work and school, Cody enjoys fishing and coaching wrestling. He is also a loving husband and proud father of two children, finding a balance between his family life and professional aspirations.

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Hispanic Access Foundation connects Latinos and others with partners and opportunities to improve lives and create an equitable society.

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