
01 August 2021

Wrapping Up

Written by: Randi Lesagonicz

This week marks the last week of my Directorate Fellowship program. Eleven weeks has quickly come and gone and looking back on what I have learned and accomplished is astonishing.

My project was a Species Biological Report. These are written for species who have been petitioned for listing under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The report outlines the species’ background, habitat, reproductive strategy, range, and threats. This report will then be used to inform USFWS if the plant should be protected under the ESA.

To be successful with this report, I had to read multiple articles, partner with outside agencies, and collaborate with other colleagues to gather data. It was wonderful getting to collaborate with other people who have the same goal as you and being able to branch out and learn something new. I also learned a great deal about the Endangered Species Act, Nevada, current building proposals, and the Ecological Services division of USFWS.

It has been a remarkable opportunity seeing conservation from this perspective versus seeing it from the academic side. My project makes me feel like I am making a difference in the world of conservation.

Agency: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Program: US Fish & Wildlife Service - DFP

Location: Southern Nevada Fish and Wildlife Office

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