
11 December 2023

Experiencing Community

Written by: Olivia Wilson

This fall, NPS hired Visual Information Specialist Darrin Ferguson. I consulted with him and his expertise in design has energized the Lower Delaware team in our development of a logo. His guidance is a much-welcomed asset to this current logo project and future creative designs.

Another exciting development for my fellowship this fall was meeting our community partners in person. White Clay Creek had a committee meeting recently that was in person and I was able to attend. Due to the fact that my fellowship is hybrid, and most meetings are video conferences, it made all the difference to meet everyone face to face. Our discussion about projects helped me to appreciate the importance of in-person collaboration.

This month, I also attended the Great Egg Harbor Council Meeting. The River Manager Paul Kenney invited Hannah Volk (river conservation fellow) and I to join their monthly meeting. I appreciated this invitation because it was eye-opening to see how another river council functions and what projects they prioritize. During the meeting I could compare their projects to the ones I am working on with White Clay Creek and the Lower Delaware. I observed that all river councils have similar end goals with outreach materials, environmental conservation, and community engagement. But seeing everyone's unique methods with how to go about these tasks always differ. I think everyone can learn from going to each other's council meetings.

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