I’d like to share a project that allowed me to find comfort in this internship. My mentor, Lawrence Lujan and I oversee the development and creation of the People and Cultural Transformation (PACT) teams SharePoint website. SharePoint is a web-based collaborative platform our team uses to connect information and resources with the USDA Forest Service employees. The resources and information encompass the entire employee life cycle from Outreach and Recruitment, Hiring, Onboarding, Cultural Transformation, Training, to Retirement.
I learned so much working on this project by making mistakes, asking for help, watching training videos, fine-tuning my design skills with Canva. Since the beginning of my internship, I’ve been able to bring our SharePoint to life, page by page. I now have a foundation of knowledge about SharePoint development and its role in communication.
I work with colleagues, like Michele Schaal, the Onboarding and This Is Who We Are Program Manager for the Rocky Mountain Region. This collaboration highlights the interconnectedness of our work, as I now see how my contributions help Michele, and the team reach their goals. This role allows me to express my creativity, making me feel comfortable. I can help others and complete meaningful work. In my next blog post, I will share my future career aspirations within the USDA Forest Service and explain why I am motivated to continue working for this agency.
Editor’s Note: If you like to follow along this journey chronologically.
Blog #1 Posted 7/24 Hispanic Access Foundation - Into the Fellowship – A Journey of Service
Blog #2 Posted 9/24 Hispanic Access Foundation - Into the Fellowship–Reflections on the Water
Blog #3 Posted 10/24 Hispanic Access Foundation - Into the Fellowship – Unexpected Detour