29 July 2022

Colorado is burning

Hello from Grand Junction, Colorado! My name is Jacob Riegle, and I am a Fire Dispatcher for the Upper Colorado River Interagency Fire Management Unit. I’m here as a part of the MANO Project as…
26 July 2022

Communication leads to proactive change for a sustainable future.

While days are going fast as the blistering summer dry lushes verdant fields into a golden hue. These past months I’ve been enriched with a community that dedicates its time to maintaining vital resources for…
25 July 2022

Rov Nstib Koj Dua (Meet You Again- In Hmong)

My Conservation Banking fellowship with U.S Fish and Wildlife at the Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office has come to an end. Prior to this fellowship, I had spent my time with California State Park as…
24 July 2022

Conserving American History

On the night of April 14, 1865, tragedy struck the nation as John Wilkes Booth assassinated President Abraham Lincoln. Many books and dissertations have been written about those two figures and that night. But this…
18 July 2022

Sifting through the National Parks

Hello everyone, my name is Jensen Bury and I am Commissioned Art Collection Intern with the Harpers Ferry Center. For this blog I thought it would be a good idea to talk about why I…
18 July 2022

Critical Vision: Vista vs Mindsight Una LCW Edición

Como te parece una semana—one week—when we from Latinx/Hispanic roots are not just encouraged pero organized, supported, and led by others que suenan y lucen como nosotros celebrating y [RE]connecting with our (minorities) World.

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Hispanic Access Foundation connects Latinos and others with partners and opportunities to improve lives and create an equitable society.

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