05 November 2022

Creating Important Relationships

Thanks to the Hispanic Access Foundation, I had the chance to attend the National Trails Workshop hosted by Partnership for the National Trails System in Albuquerque, New Mexico. This was my first professional workshop, and…
05 November 2022

Fall in Albuquerque

It’s crazy how time flies when you’re having fun. Fall is finally here; the weather is getting colder again, and the sun is setting earlier which (at least to me) is better than melting every…
04 November 2022

Backpacking into Hidden Forest

Hello everyone, for those of you that do not know me my name is Cristhian Flores Trujillo. I am the current Visitor Services intern at Corn Creek Visitor Center (Desert National Wildlife Refuge). This refuge…
04 November 2022

The Weeds of Winter

Hello everyone, after a few weeks of glorious fall weather (too short) it seems like winter is coming in already for the Pike National Forest. As I type this, a storm is rolling through the…
03 November 2022

Latino Conservation Week

Hello everyone, it is Cristhian Flores the current intern out at Corn Creek Visitor Center (Desert National Wildlife Refuge). I would like to take the time to reflect on the event I hosted for Latino…
31 October 2022

The mighty tree frogs

Throughout my internship experience with USFWS, I had the opportunity to join in on educational opportunities to learn more about a variety of species. One of these educational opportunities were participating in field trips. Although…

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Hispanic Access Foundation connects Latinos and others with partners and opportunities to improve lives and create an equitable society.

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