08 July 2021

Coming Out of My Shell

I've always been a quiet, introverted person that was often more seen than heard and definitely didn't take the lead on many things prior to this internship. In my short time at Crab Orchard National…
07 July 2021

Potential Streams for Reintroducing Bull Trout

Last month, we had the stakeholder meeting for the Klamath Basin bull trout reintroduction decision making process, where the decision makers gathered together and formulated the fundamental objectives for the project: 1- maximize the persistence…
07 July 2021

Saltwater Salamanders

I’m in Albuquerque! I’ve never been so far west before, so it’s been so cool to see a totally different ecosystem. Unlike the northern hardwoods of the northeast and the pine barrens of the southeast…
07 July 2021

What It's All About

I first applied as to the Directorate Fellows Progrm (DFP) internship with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service as an opportunity to gain some much needed experience in my field of study. Navigating through my…
06 July 2021

USFWS Cares for People as Much as Wildlife

I’ve learned so much already on this DFP journey. One topic I didn’t anticipate learning so much about was accessibility. While I hadn’t heard of "508 compliance” before my fellowship began, it quickly became a…
06 July 2021

A summer with the Clear Creek Gambusia

This summer I have the amazing opportunity to work with a federally endangered species of fish, the Clear Creek Gambusia (Gambusia heterochir). The species is native to a single spring in the head waters of…

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Hispanic Access Foundation connects Latinos and others with partners and opportunities to improve lives and create an equitable society.

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