06 March 2021

The Valley Oak

Last week, one of my co-workers and I went to Chico, California to measure more Valley oaks (Quercus lobata) at a property that is part of the Mendocino National Forest.
05 March 2021

Renew Values Like Resources

For the past four years, I have led the wilderness monitoring crew. While in the wilderness, I wear my values on my sleeve.
04 March 2021

The Power of Latino Advocacy Featured

As we approach the first-ever Latino Advocacy Week in mid-March, the HAF conservation team wanted to share why we think Latino advocacy is so needed and why it has great potential to change lives for…
12 February 2021

Make a Difference this Valentine’s Day – Gift Sustainably Featured

Valentine’s Day offers a sweet excuse to share chocolates, gifts, and express your love to your friends, family or your significant other. While you may want to shower them with love and gifts, it turns out…
27 January 2021

A thank you note for the Hispanic Access Foundation

My internship with the Hispanic Access Foundation (HAF) and the US Forest Service (USFS) soon will be coming to an end, so these past few days I have been reflecting about the positive impacts HAF’s…
25 January 2021

Finding Balance and New Ideas

Happy New Year and welcome back! For many of us, teleworking has absorbed most of 2020 and starting another year working from home can be a frustrating position to be in. I definitely have been…

About Us

Hispanic Access Foundation connects Latinos and others with partners and opportunities to improve lives and create an equitable society.

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