29 October 2020
Dia De Los Muertos in Anchorage
I did not grow up celebrating Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) in a big way.
22 September 2020
My Fellowship at U.S. Fish & Wildlife Comes to an End…but this isn’t Goodbye…
As I prepared my final program requirement, a presentation to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on Conservation Banking Tracking Compliance - I reflected on the events of the last few months. Throughout the Directorate…
22 September 2020
Conservation Banks Tracking Compliance: Protecting Land in Perpetuity
Conservation Banks: Protecting Land in Perpetuity The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Directorate Fellowship Project: I was responsible for monitoring compliance for conservation banks in Southern California. What is Conservation Banking? Conservation banks were designed…
31 August 2020
Summer Assessment
A little over a week ago I picked up a park service car from the Charlestown Navy Yard for a day of driving around Boston and retrieving the backpacks of filmmaking tools we had lent…
29 August 2020
My Farewell as a DFP Fellow
As my Fellowship is coming to a close I would like to say how grateful I am for having had an opportunity like this amidst a pandemic.
28 August 2020
A Different Kind of Internship: Lessons and Final Thoughts
The entire year of 2020 has been a whirlwind filled with an unprecedented pandemic, economic uncertainty, protests in the name of racial disparity, and natural disasters.