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26 June 2020

Conservation in a Biodiversity Hotspot

Buenas yan håfa adai! (Greetings and hello in Chamorro) My name is Laura Gombar and I will be spending my summer working with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Guam through the Directorate Fellowship…
26 June 2020

Project Flyway: An Unconventional Rodent Problem

Every fall, billions of birds take off on an incredible journey to escape the chill of winter. They travel to warmer climates to wait out the cold months, then head back home once spring arrives.…
26 June 2020

Making Lemonade from Lemons

Lately, I have found myself thinking thoughts like “this pandemic had the worst timing”, and “poor me”. Once I think these thoughts, another part of my brain smacks them down like Lebron James dunking the…
25 June 2020

Inaugural World Albatross Day

Albatrosses are large, long-lived, iconic seabirds that roam the Pacific and Antarctic Oceans. With wingspans between 5 and 11ft, adults spend the majority of their life soaring over the open water and fishing. Many albatrosses…
25 June 2020

Greater Sage-grouse and West Nile Virus

The greater sage-grouse is an iconic bird of the sagebrush-steppe ecosystem in the western United States that is best known for the males’ dance moves during the spring breeding season (https://youtu.be/cLnbiTkj1TQ). Historically, the sage-grouse occupied…
25 June 2020

DIrectorate Fellows Program: Bumble Bee Edition

This summer, I am working with wildlife biologists and botanists from the Yreka Fish and Wildlife Office in Northern California. Although due to COVID-19, I am working from home in Denver, CO, my project has…

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Hispanic Access Foundation connects Latinos and others with partners and opportunities to improve lives and create an equitable society.

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