30 September 2024
From Land to Sea: Discovering the Depths of Conservation in the Rio Grande Valley
In the heart of South Texas lies the Rio Grande Valley, a region known for its biodiversity and rich Tejano culture. From historically significant salt lakes to sprawling wildlife preserves, the Rio Grande Valley has…
30 September 2024
Into the Fellowship–Reflections on the Water
In my last blog, I touched on the beginning of my journey as a resource assistant for the USDA Forest Service, which I encourage you to read to follow this story cohesively (see editor’s note).…
11 September 2024
Learning, Teaching, and Growing in Almont, Colorado: The Taylor Challenge Experience
Spending four days in the remote mountains of Almont, Colorado, teaching middle schoolers how to fish during the Taylor Challenge was an experience that deeply resonated with me. Not only did it allow me to…
10 September 2024
Urban Corps of San Diego
To begin speaking about my experience I need to give a brief introduction to the ‘Urban Corps of San Diego’.
10 September 2024
Straight Outta Compton and into the Inyo
With a little over a month as a Recreation Technician at the Inyo National Forest under my belt, I am filled with excitement as to what the next few months have in store.
10 September 2024
A Memorable but short Journey to NCTC: The Start of my Fellowship
During the first few months of my internship with the National Park Service as a communication fellow with the Office of Outdoor Recreation, I’ve been overwhelmed with gratitude for the incredible opportunities that have come…