news releases

29 January 2019

With Federal Deadline Days Away, HAF Calls on Arizona Lawmakers to Approve the Drought Contingency Plan

In October 2018, after years of fitful effort, state agencies and water providers agreed on a draft Drought Contingency Plan (DCP) — an agreement between California, Arizona and Nevada in the Lower Basin, and Utah,…
29 January 2019

Film Screening Explores Importance of Protecting the Colorado River

YUMA, ARIZONA – On Sunday, Jan. 6, Hispanic Access Foundation and Por la Creación Faith-based Alliance screened the film “Leche y Miel (Milk and Honey)” to 45 Latino youth, families and community members at Betania…
21 December 2018

COLORADO POLITICS: Congress must act to save a lifeline between Colorado kids and the great outdoors

The federal Land and Water Conservation Fund has provided the funding necessary over the past 54 years for underserved communities and families to enjoy access to the outdoors and open spaces. These are families that…
20 December 2018

Senate’s Failure to Pass LWCF Hurts Recreation, Cultural Heritage and Conservation

WASHINGTON – Last night, the Senate failed to pass bipartisan legislation that would have saved the Land and Water Conservation Fund, which Congress let expire at the end of Sept. The 54-year-old program, which is…
14 December 2018

Latino Faith Leaders Unite Against EPA’s Proposed Rollback of Methane Pollution Standards

Today, 11 Latino faith leaders from Por la Creación Faith-based Alliance submitted a joint letter to Andrew Wheeler, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Acting Administrator, opposing the proposal to weaken the New Source Performance Standards,…
13 December 2018

Twenty-Three Latino Organizations Sign Letter Urging Acting EPA Administrator Wheeler to Stop Harmful Rollback of Oil and Gas Pollution Protections

In a joint letter to Acting Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Andrew Wheeler, led by GreenLatinos and Hispanic Access Foundation, 23 Latino organizations urged the EPA to stop its harmful rollback of the New Source…

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Hispanic Access Foundation connects Latinos and others with partners and opportunities to improve lives and create an equitable society.

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